Duke Street and Chorley Highfield Federation Governors
The instrument of governance states that the term of office for our parent governors is 2 years.
Mrs Hellen Hull (Chair of Governors) Federation of Duke Street & Highfield Nursery School I have worked across the spectrum of Lancashire County Council Children Services for over 37 years I started my career in nurseries and schools as a qualified Nursery Nurse , then worked as an Extended services Manager at Duke Street Children centre and more recently as a Team Manager for Children and Families Wellbeing service [ Early help ] . My career has spanned the range of birth to 19 years, I believe in supporting young parents or those less confident to develop their strengths for the benefit of their children. I will be active and available to you as parents, to the staff team and to undertake visits and engage with your children as they learn. I am passionate about the Outstanding work undertaken in your Federation of Nurseries [ Highfield and Duke street ] and I have been part of the journey in maintaining these standards as an active Governor for the last 10 years , and as your Chair of Governors I will continue to guide and support the excellent work and team . Contact bursar@dukestreet-nur.lancs.sch.uk and your email will be forwarded directly to Hellen Hull. |
Karen Stephens (Vice Chair) Federation of Duke Street & Highfield Nursery School Previous experience in the following roles: Headteacher, Head of Children’s Centre, NAHT Union Caseworker Extensive experience over career has included:
Governor diversity information is collected. Governing body have opted that this information is not published on the website.
For an updated Committee list please click here.
Name | Date of Appointment | Business and Financial Interest |
Nominated Governors |
Relationship |
Governor at other establishment |
Sue Conron Head Teacher |
05/04/2019 | Friendship -E Dennard, past employee of Duke Street and of LCC finance team |
Skills Audit School Improvement Plan Working party (SEND) |
Federation Executive Head (Highfield and Duke Street)
No |
Mrs K Stephens Vice Chair Chair of Resources Committee
10/05/2021 |
Retired; NAHT Lancashire Secretary |
Federation Health and Safety Safeguarding SFVS Pay committee Skills audit |
Yes |
Hellen Hull Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
05/04/2023 |
Team manager for CFW Hyndburn and Ribble Valley
Private Safeguarding services and supervision |
Specific Areas (DS & HF) EYPP Governor training link
No |
Vacancy Co-opted Governor
Mrs L Phillips Staff Governor
11/01/2023 | - | Working party (SEND) | Current member of staff - Head of school and SENco - Duke Street Nursery School | No |
Miss Claire Murray Co-opted Governor
05/04/2023 | None to declare | Website |
Member of staff (Highfield Nursery) |
No |
Mrs Natalie Sinclair Co-opted Governor
05/04/2023 | Governor at St.Wilfirds Academy Standish | Working party (SEND) |
Head of School (HF) & pt Exec Head Federation
Yes |
Ms C Alston Co-opted Governor |
18/01/2021 | None to declare |
Curriculum (Prime Areas) - DSNS Staff Well-being
No | |
Mrs S Macmillan Parent Governor
01/07/2023 | None to declare |
SEND (DSNS) Shadow Safeguarding Working party SEND |
Previous Parent at Duke Street /Parent at Highfield |
No |
Vacancy LA Governor
Dr Helen Whitehead Co_opted Governor
02/12/24 |
In process |
Pupil Premium & Diversity Working party SEND |
Mel Heywood Co-opted Governor
02/12/24 | In process |
SEND (HFNS) Working party SEND |
Parent at Highfield |
Vacancy Co-opted Governor
Vacancy Parent Governor