Duke Street Nursery School

"Our children and families are at the heart of everything that we do"

Duke Street and Chorley Highfield Federation Governors


The instrument of governance states that the term of office for our parent governors is 2 years. 



Mrs Hellen Hull (Chair of Governors)

Federation of Duke Street & Highfield Nursery School

I have  worked across the spectrum of Lancashire County Council Children Services for over 37 years

I started my career in nurseries and schools as a qualified Nursery Nurse , then worked as an Extended services  Manager at Duke Street Children centre and more recently as a Team Manager for Children and Families Wellbeing service  [ Early help ] .

My career  has spanned the range of birth to 19 years, I believe in supporting young parents or those less confident to develop their strengths for the benefit of their children.

I will be active and available to you as parents, to the staff team and to  undertake visits and engage with your children as they learn.

I am passionate about the Outstanding work undertaken in your Federation of Nurseries  [ Highfield and Duke street ] and I have been part of the journey in maintaining these standards as an active Governor for the last  10 years , and as your Chair of Governors I will continue to guide and support the excellent work and team .

Contact bursar@dukestreet-nur.lancs.sch.uk and your email will be forwarded directly to Hellen Hull.

Karen Stephens (Vice Chair)

Federation of Duke Street & Highfield Nursery School

Previous experience in the following roles: Headteacher, Head of Children’s Centre, NAHT Union Caseworker

Extensive experience over career has included:

  • managed school budget as a Headteacher, handling complaints, grievances and appeals; formative and summative school data analysis and reporting to parents, governors, senior staff and Ofsted; curriculum leadership overall as Headteacher; responsible for statutory assessment as Headteacher.
  • Managed Children’s Centre budget, handling complaints, grievances and appeals; oversaw closure of Children’s Centre.
  • Chaired LOC, Local Organising Committee for School Games for 6 years; chaired Chorley’s School Sports Partnership, enabling all Chorley schools to buy in top quality provision and school sports competition.
  • NAHT Union Caseworker 2018 to date supporting school leaders in Lancashire.






Governor diversity information is collected.  Governing body have opted that this information is not published on the website.

For an updated Committee list please click here.

 Name Date of Appointment  Business and Financial Interest

Nominated Governors



Governor at other establishment 

 Sue Conron

Head Teacher

05/04/2019  Friendship -E Dennard, past employee of  Duke Street and of LCC finance team

Skills Audit

School Improvement Plan 

Working party (SEND)


 Federation Executive Head

(Highfield and Duke Street)






Mrs K Stephens

Vice Chair

Chair of Resources Committee




Retired; NAHT Lancashire Secretary

 Federation Health and Safety 



Pay committee

Skills audit




Hellen Hull

Chair of Governors


Co-opted Governor



 Team manager for CFW Hyndburn and Ribble Valley


Private Safeguarding services and supervision

 Specific Areas (DS & HF) EYPP

Governor training link 







Co-opted Governor










Mrs L Phillips

Staff Governor

11/01/2023  - Working party (SEND) Current member of staff - Head of school  and SENco - Duke Street Nursery School No


Miss Claire Murray

Co-opted Governor

05/04/2023  None to declare Website

Member of staff

(Highfield Nursery)



Mrs Natalie Sinclair

 Co-opted Governor


 05/04/2023  Governor at St.Wilfirds Academy Standish Working party (SEND)

 Head of School (HF) & pt Exec Head Federation



Ms C Alston

Co-opted Governor

18/01/2021 None to declare

Curriculum (Prime Areas) - DSNS

Staff Well-being




Mrs S Macmillan

Parent Governor


01/07/2023   None to declare


Shadow Safeguarding 

Working party SEND 

Previous Parent at Duke Street /Parent at Highfield




LA Governor 


Dr Helen Whitehead

 Co_opted Governor




In process 


Pupil Premium & Diversity 

Working party SEND


Mel Heywood

Co-opted Governor

02/12/24  In process 


Working party SEND

 Parent at Highfield




Co-opted Governor





Parent Governor